Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary

We're back with another Sanctuary Spotlight highlighting the crucial work of Wolf conservation. This time we’ve partnered with Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary. Join us in advocating for these protectors of the wild to secure a better future for wolves and our planet.

Located amidst the scenic landscapes of Ramah, New Mexico, Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary is a compassionate haven for displaced and unwanted wild canids, specializing in wolves and wolf-dogs. Founded in 1991, the sanctuary provides permanent, safe refuge and lifelong care to its residents, emphasizing physical, mental, and emotional wellness through specialized nutrition, medical support, and enriching environments.

Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary operates on three core missions:

RESCUE: To rescue non-releasable, captive-bred, displaced, and unwanted wild canids, especially those affected by the exotic pet trade.

SANCTUARY: To provide each rescue with permanent, safe sanctuary and lifelong care addressing their physical, mental, and emotional health through species-specific nutrition, medical support, enrichment, and companionship when applicable.

EDUCATION: To educate the public about the plight of rescued wild canids while providing species-specific information. The sanctuary focuses on differentiating between a wolf, a wolfdog, and a domestic dog, and promotes the ethical care and treatment of all animals.

Consider supporting this sanctuary by donating, sponsoring a furry friend, or by volunteering at the sanctuary!


The Wolf Mountain Nature Center

